Thursday, July 9, 2009

contacting panel of experts

For my three panel of experts, I was thinking of asking someone from the department of public works, municipal transportation agency, and an graffiti artist. I already have some people in mind for the graffiti vandal. I'm still waiting to hear back from the other two by email. Here are some links that will take you to Muni and dpw's main websites.
The Muni website wasn't very helpful with gathering information for my research. When searching with key words 
on the site. A few things show up but barely enough information to use. The dpw was a lot more useful, it provided
background information about the department and what they are trying to accomplish as a community volunteer group.
While I wait for these groups to email me back with more information. I will being at the library trying to find some books
that might give some info on not only graffiti in general but bus tags/graffiti/vandalism.

Monday, July 6, 2009


not completely done with the timeline but here's what I have so far. I think i might want to add a background image of a muni bus? not sure yet, still working on it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


1) Who are YOU? (Your DAI Major Study/Emphasis/Concentration; Interests; etc…)

This is my 5th year at San Francisco State University. Hopefully this will be my last class I need to take in order to graduate. My concentration was visual communications but I decided to switch to interdisciplinary instead.

2) What Inspires/”WOWs” YOU?

-As a designer I take my inspirations come from many different things. Past, present, future, nature, people's behavior, friends, family, etc. I'm a man of few words, constantly observing things. Analyzing things in my head, creating, improving, and imaging new concepts and ideas. I am easily entertained, taking joy from the simple things in life.

3) Who, or What are your influences?

- One huge influence in my life not only as a designer but as an artists is from my good friend Brenton. He is a very creative and unique individual. Always expressing his thoughts and feelings through his art work. After meeting Brent my views on art dramatically changed in such a positive way. Allowing me to see things that I wouldn't normally see, pushing me to improve as an arist and as a person. He has had such a huge impact on my life because of his positive attitude and his creativity.

4) What is your Vision or HOPE in your life(time)? (academically; professionally; and/or socially)

One important goal that I'm determined to accomplish is to have a successful career doing something that I love to do. What is the point of doing something if you're not passionate about it. I originally planned on majoring in business, mostly because of my grandma. But I knew that it wasn't right for me. I always loved art and being creative so I changed my major to graphic design.

5) Post an Image(s) that Best represents YOU and/or Your Vision(s)


Problem statement

-In the city of San Francisco, graffiti has been a major
issue costing thousands of dollars in damage and is
deteriorating the quality of life around the city.

Purpose statement

-To help prevent and stop vandalism throughout our
neighborhoods and communities.